Monday, April 03, 2006

the much hated time change

I hate time changes. I especially hate the "spring forward" time change. We are all still trying to catch up on that lost hour of sleep. What can I say? It was a much needed hour. The only good thing so far is that Madeline and Savannah's schedules didn't get too far off course. Although, Madeline doesn't have much of a schedule. She just eats and sleeps and cries and goes to the bathroom all day. Although, there's the occassional spurt of spit up and the occassional outstanding smile. (She even smiled at me yesterday! And it wasn't just gas)

Savannah's allergies are making her (and the rest of us) miserable. She's been sneezing and blowing and coughing the past two days. And this morning she fell asleep every time she laid her head down. But she's starting to perk up a little bit. She wore herself out playing outside yesterday. Both of the girls love to be outside. I discovered yesterday that going outside is almost certain to put Madeline to sleep. The exception is when she's hungry. There is no distracting her when she wants her food.

Madeline gets more beautiful every day. And she is growing by leaps and bounds. She finally fits in some of her newborn clothes. Most of her clothes, though, are still too big. But some of the outfits that I thought she wouldn't fit in for ages actually fit now. We have the same sock problem with Madeline that we did with Savannah. The newborn socks are what fit her ankles, but her long feet don't fit in them all the way. The next size up fit her feet, but slide off her ankles. And hats are history now. She cries whenever they slide down over her eyes, and all of her hats do that, so we just quit putting hats on her. She doesn't seem to mind. In fact, she's even started kicking the blanket off during naptime and during the night. It's very reminiscent of Savannah when she was a baby.

Everything else here is going great. Life is good, even if we are sleep-deprived. We have two beautiful, healthy girls. Who could ask for more?

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