Well, here we are in October. Yes, I'm finally updating!
July 2006--Rick and I went to see Tim McGraw and Faith Hill in concert at American Airlines Center. It was wonderful. The seats were great, the music was fantastic, and we had a blast. Mom and Mimi kept Savannah and Madeline. Madeline cried for much of the time, but eventually, she went to sleep. Here are a few pictures from that night.
This month Madeline had her first jar of baby food. We discovered that she is a huge fan of applesauce. She ate almost a whole jar.
Sice then, Madeline has avidly tried every new food we've given her. She loves everything.
August 2006: Savannah hit the 2 1/2 year milestone, and Madeline hit the 6 month milestone. We had a little party for her. She enjoyed her first taste of chocolate cake. And she thoroughly enjoyed her new rattle.
Rick had an unexpected surprise party for his 30th birthday. After tons of planning and scheming, the day finally arrived. Mike distracted Rick for a couple of hours while Courtney decorated and cooked like crazy. The guests arrived, after they all parked down the street and around the neighborhood (as to not strike up any suspicion when Rick got home). Rick and Mike arrived. Rick walked in the house, and the shock on his face was apparent when he saw 20+ people all crowded into the living room for him. He was very happy, and the party went great.
Madeline went to her 6 month check up, and all was fine. She was 12 lbs.+.
September 2006:
Courtney's birthday was this month. She turned 24. She had a good birthday. Savannah and Courtney started doing preschool at home this month. Savannah soaks everything in like a sponge. She can spell "apple," recognizes Aa, Bb, and Cc by sight, knows what "hola," "adios," and "bonjour" mean in their respective languages, and is learning many other things.
Madeline is just happy as always.
October 2006: Madeline just started babbling using consonant sounds. She likes to say "ba" over and over. And is now saying, "da" and "ga." We have a ways to go before she'll be spouting out words like her big sister, but she'll be a little chattermouth before we know it.
Savannah is learning about Dd, 4, the color green, and some Dd related words in preschool. She moved from the infant class to the preschool class in Bible class on Sundays and Wednesdays, and she's loving her new class.
Courtney is taking Intro. to Business, and just had her first test.
Rick is staying busy at work.
Go visit our band's website: http://www.myspace.com/nolanstyrade