Saturday, April 17, 2004

bloody murder

8 weeks, 2 days
Sleep: Very very little

Savannah is screaming bloody murder. AHHHHHHHH. She's been eating ALL morning, so I'm sure it's because she's still hungry. She only cries when she wants food. And then she looks at me with this "how dare you wait so long" look and I feel like the meanest person ever. I got her a Massaging bouncer yesterday. She's in it now. It massages her back, vibrates, and plays 8 different songs. Rick, the baby, and I all went to the science lab at CCCC yesterday morning. It was so nice seeing everyone again, and they were all really excited to see Miss Savannah. And, of course, Savannah loved all the attention. And then she got hungry and fussy, but hey, what else is new, right? Anyhow, we came home after she tried to suck my arm off and sucked on my shirt. I tell you what, when she wants something, she lets ya know. And I better go now, before she wakes up the neighbors. Later.

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