Monday, April 26, 2004
Four shots
Sleep: Some
Well, we went to the pediatrician on Wednesday last week. We found out Savannah is now 22 ¼” long and weighs 9 pounds! She’s almost doubled her birth weight. She also had to get 4 shots! It was horrible. There were two nurses, and they gave her two shots at a time. AND I had to hold her arms down. That was the worst part. But she only cried for a little bit, cause the second Daddy picked her up, she stopped crying. She didn’t have a bad reaction to the shots, which we were very happy about. They made her a little cranky and she slept a lot, and her thighs swelled a little, but no fever. Besides that, she’s just been smiling tons….I tell you what, there’s nothing more I love waking up to than her looking at me with a big grin. Of course, she decided to try to talk to me and her mobile for like 2 hours. Just squealing and grinning and cooing….which I know is good, but I was SO tired and she was so awake. At least she slept till 4 this morning. Anyhow, I gotta go and get some housework done now.
Saturday, April 17, 2004
bloody murder
Sleep: Very very little
Savannah is screaming bloody murder. AHHHHHHHH. She's been eating ALL morning, so I'm sure it's because she's still hungry. She only cries when she wants food. And then she looks at me with this "how dare you wait so long" look and I feel like the meanest person ever. I got her a Massaging bouncer yesterday. She's in it now. It massages her back, vibrates, and plays 8 different songs. Rick, the baby, and I all went to the science lab at CCCC yesterday morning. It was so nice seeing everyone again, and they were all really excited to see Miss Savannah. And, of course, Savannah loved all the attention. And then she got hungry and fussy, but hey, what else is new, right? Anyhow, we came home after she tried to suck my arm off and sucked on my shirt. I tell you what, when she wants something, she lets ya know. And I better go now, before she wakes up the neighbors. Later.
Friday, April 09, 2004
Growth spurt
7 weeks, 1 day
Sleep: very little...again
Savannah is definetly having a growth spurt. She eats ALLLLL day. Well, except today she ate all day till 3ish and then didn't eat again till around 7:30. That was nice, gave mom and I time enough to go shopping and eat dinner out. I got her booties to match her bear stuff and the cutest little strawberry outfit that she can't wear until next summer. Now she's asleep with Nana holding her. We watched Baby Einstein today and she laughed at me making a fishy face, and she was completely enthralled with all the black and white and red in the DVD. Her first Easter is only 2 days away. I have a cute lavender Easter dress for her that's actually a premie size, and I'm afraid it won't fit her. Oh, yeah, we weighed her yesterday and she was 7 lbs. 12 oz. That's almost 8 lbs.!! Mom's been going around telling everyone she's 6.5 pounds, so it was a nice surprise. All her clothes are starting to fit much better. And she is just full of smiles. She smiles all the time now, so she must be a happy contented baby. Anyway, more later, out for now.