Wednesday, March 31, 2004


5 weeks, 6 days
Sleep: very little
The last two nights have just been exhausting. Savannah has been waking up around 2 AM and staying up until 5 or so, eating on and off and making all kinds of noises. However, I think it's all part of a growth spurt. They're supposed to have one around 6 weeks, right? Can you believe she'll be six weeks old tomorrow? *sighs* She's growing up so fast. We went to church tonight, and Savannah was a very good baby. She just kept sniffling, cause she was crying before church, and then every time she'd sniffle, she'd sigh really loud at the end. But it was cute, and I kept laughing quietly. Everyone kept saying how tiny she is, but it's funny, cause to me she looks so big, compared to how small she was when she was born. Anyhow, she's cute as ever and she's "talking" to us more and more. More later.

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