Sunday, November 06, 2005
A Long-awaited update
I know it has been forever since I have updated this thing. I do apologize.
Savannah is 20 months old now. I still find that to be amazing. It doesn't feel like it's been so long since she was born. She's a little motor mouth. It's becoming hard to say anything around here without her repeating whatever we say. Whenever I'm on the phone, she'll sit there attentively and repeat my whole conversation, as I'm saying it. While the person on the other end is saying, "who is that?" Her latest phrase is "I love you." There's nothing like hearing your baby say "I wuv ooo" in her cute little voice. I love it every time.
Due to pre-term contractions, I am basically on bedrest now. I thought it would be more difficult this time around, since I have Savannah, but she's such a wonderful little helper. It's not really hard at all. Yesterday, I had a drink on the coffee table, and whenever I told her to bring me my drink, she'd carry it over to me with a big smile on her face. Then she would stand there and wait until I was through and carry it back to the table. She's good at entertaining herself, and that comes as a relief right now.
Rick's staying busy working at the hospital. His schedule is nice. I think I'll appreciate his 6 days off even more now. It just gets kinda lonely when he's not here. I'm adding pictures to our Yahoo album, so go take a look! That's all for now. More later....I mean, sooner!
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
big announcement
We are no longer going to be the Nolan Trio. We are going to be welcoming an addition to our family in about seven months, as we joyously discovered last week.
Savannah is doing wonderfully. She's walking everywhere, which is sometimes good, sometimes not. She likes that she's allowed to venture into the kitchen now. She likes to play with her magnetic letters on the refrigerator.
Our dogs are also keeping us busy. Sampson is as lazy as ever, and Chachi is just a mile a minute. He never quits.
We went to Granbury, TX over the weekend for a little R & R. We had a wonderful time there, as always. Mom went with us, too. We went fishing again this year, but we still didn't catch anything, not even a chair. hehe.
Anyway, there wasn't much to write about besides the fact that we'll be having a baby, so we'll write more later.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Little Walker
I am sorry it has been so long since I have updated. There's a lot to write about. Of most importance is the fact that Savannah has started walking. She'd been taking a few steps now and then for a while, and then one day last week, she just took off. And ever since then, walking has been her preferred mode of transportation (besides one of us carrying her). She really likes when we let her down in stores, because she can reach all the bottom shelves and pull everything off. Fun for her...not so fun for us.
Savannah has started singing part of her ABC's. She can sing through G. We got it on video. That's another one of those things she just did one day. And she counts, but she only says "theeee." So she'll point to things and say "theee, theeee, theeeee." Sometimes she says "two." She's also learned "highchair," "cup," "book," "ball," and the lovely art of sticking out her tongue. Oh yes, and we can't forget, the greatness of a tantrum. Her tantrums consist of laying on the floor and whining. She doesn't do it too much, but enough is enough.
We got a new dog. He's a chihuahua, and we named him Chachi. He's like the exact opposite of Sampson. He's hyper and active and quite small. He likes to bite Sam's lips and ears and then pull on them real hard. Sampson's so laid back that he just lays there. It's a funny sight. Savannah doesn't seem crazy about Chachi, but Chachi really likes her. She does like to crawl all over Sam. She really really likes to sit on his back and rock like she's riding her rocking horse. And, of course, he just lays there.
Rick started his new job at Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas. He'll be on the day shift and it's an 8 on/6 off job...meaning he'll work 8 days and have 6 days off. So, it's like a vacation every other week. We think it's wonderful, and it's so much better for Savannah. He's really happy about it. Plus, the hospital he was working at here in McKinney is allowing him to work there on some of his days off as he's needed. So, that's nice, too.
Anyway, there's an update for ya'll. I won't wait two months to update again.
Friday, May 27, 2005
back home, doctor appointment
Well, we are back from Colorado. We had a wonderful time visiting everyone! I was so glad to get to meet all of Rick's family, and I was really happy that everyone got to finally see Savannah. Now that we are back home, things are pretty much back to normal. Savannah went to see her new pediatrician on Wednesday. We switched because our old pediatrician mysteriously left the practice she was at. Our new doctor is within walking distance of our house. Savannah weighed in at 17 lbs. and was 29 1/2 inches long. All news was good news. She got two shots, but she only cried for a few seconds.
She's got a few new words! She says dude, no, hi, and a semi-understandable version of thank you. That brings her total number of known words to somewhere around 10. Oh, and when I say "nose" she says "no," but I think she thinks that I'm saying "no." Anyway.
I better go and tend to our screaming baby. I'll write more later.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
standing up
Today, I feel rather ill. I don't know exactly what has caused this sudden onset of ickyness, but it's no fun.
We are going to Colorado in a couple of weeks, and we are so excited. I'm really excited, because I'll get to meet everybody, and everyone will get to see Savannah. I can't wait!
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Monday, April 18, 2005
the not-so-looked-forward-to milestones
She's growing like a little bitty weed. She's the most curious little thing. She has to investigate everything! Lately, hide and seek has been her thing. She likes to grab the bottom of her dress and throw it over her head and then "reappear." It's funny when she thinks we can't see her, cause she'll be laughing under her dress.
She knows who people are now. She knows who mama, dada, and nana are. As well as doggy and Bubba. If she even hears the dog's collar shake, she'll sit up and say "doddy!" It's amazing sometimes.
Monday, April 04, 2005
Friday, April 01, 2005
after all these days
Still no walking, but I'm sure it will happen with time, eh? She's crawling as fast as ever, and she's managed to make it all the way up the stairs in our house by herself a few times (with Rick or me closely supervising, of course). It's kinda scary watching her change so much so fast. It's just all flying by.
The doctor told us that she needs to gain weight. Apparently, she doesn't realize that Savannah is small like me. Everyone else thinks that Savannah is perfectly healthy. So what if she's not fat? She's active, she's happy, what more could we want?
She's learning new things everyday. Lately she's been getting her toy phones and holding them up to her ear and talking. And she gets her board books and turns the pages and points to things while she "reads." It's so cute. She loves books. Sometimes she'd rather look at a book than play with her toys.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Monday, February 28, 2005
not much to say
Besides that, there's not much to say today. See you all later.
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Head Banging
She is in the worst mood right now, because she refuses to take a nap. Hopefully, by Saturday she'll be over her cranky episode.
Patty Cake is the newest lifesaver for the Nolan family. Just say anything that starts with a P and Savannah will start clapping.
Monday, February 14, 2005
Friday, February 11, 2005
Trio Nolan's new home
But ya'll don't care about that stuff. On to what really matters, Savannah. Her scar from her surgery has healed nicely. We had our last appointment with the orthopedic surgeon the other day. He said everything looks great!
Savannah's first birthday party is a week from tomorrow! Can you believe it?! I hope everything goes smoothly. It should be fun.
Savannah has 4 new teeth. They just all came in at the same time. All four top front teeth. She got a little fever at first when they were all cutting through, but it only lasted a couple of days.
She's also been handing stuff to everyone. She'll play with something and then try to hand it to the person nearest her, but then she won't let go. And she feeds us Cheerios and Goldfish sometimes. That's pretty funny.
Still no walking. But she's very mobile! She crawls all over the place. And she's so fast sometimes it's hard to catch her before she gets into trouble. I can't imagine how "fun" it will be when she's walking/running.
She still only says dada. Although I think I heard a little "mama" the other day. Oh yeah, and she says "nana," and she tries to say "dog" but it comes out "dah." I'm trying to teach her sign language, so I can know what she's trying to say. So far, all I've gotten is laughs.
She's clapping! She does "Patty Cake!" I've been doing it for months now, and then last week, she just joined right in. She's been clapping ever since. hehe.
Anyway, I best be going. Enjoy the update!
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Sleep: ok
Savannah had her surgery on the 3rd to remove her extra thumb. Thankfully, all went well. She is back to her normal self. Still not walking, but she is crawling and cruising like crazy. This baby is all over the place!! She's trying to say "mama," but it always comes out "nana." She hasn't figured out how to say an "m" yet. We've been putting her in quiet time lately, but it's not usually quiet, and she never takes a nap during this time. But at least we can get some things done during this time.