Thursday, November 11, 2004


9 months in 1 week
Sleep: purdy good

Well, Savannah's two little bottom teeth are quite obvious now. She likes to touch them, and she's been playing with her mouth lately. She'll move her fingers up and down over her lips and make funny noises while she does it. She's becoming quite the mobile baby. Lately, it seems she is just all over the place. She's crawling across the floor and pulling up on all the furniture. I'm lucky if she stays still for one minute! She's started eating more solid foods. She eats some of the food that Rick and I eat. She really likes Zwieback toasts and water. We're going to her doctor again in the next week or so, and we will be discussing her surgery with Dr. Tucker. We're hoping to get her surgery done next month. Savannah is still stuck on saying "dada." That's all she says, well, and the occasional "nene," but still no "mama." We've been watching a lot of Sesame Street. We watch it nearly every day. She really likes Elmo and Cookie Monster. Other than that, Rick's working, and I am staying busy with Miss Savannah. Oh, our puppy is nearly 110 lbs.,and he's not even 7 months old yet! He's a great big, lazy baby!